Joana and D’Repente liven up the Lemon Festival on the Island

@ DR

On the 1st and 2nd of April, the Casa do Povo da Ilha marks the XXI Regional Lemon Exhibition. It is a tribute to Madeiran agricultural producers and to the excellence of Madeira branded products.

The event will feature animation by national artist Joana and several Madeiran artists, including Banda D’Repente.

On Sunday, April 2nd, after the Madeirense party, at 4 pm, the national artist Joana will take to the stage. Then, the stage receives D’Repente, a regional band that emerged in the summer of 2016, with the joining of 4 friends with the purpose of giving a new look to traditional Madeiran music and exploring new genres using traditional Madeiran chordophones.

In a statement sent to the newsroom, Casa do Povo da Ilha recalls that registration is open for the Festa do despique, blind tasting of liqueurs and lemon desserts and lemon exhibition, for farmers from across the region.

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